Taken goods for private use? Here’s the latest values.

Taken Goods for Private Use? Here’s the Latest Values.

The ATO knows that many business owners naturally help themselves to their trading stock and use it for their own purposes. This common practice can occur in businesses such as butchers, bakers, corner stores, cafes and more.

Natural Disasters and Help with Your Tax

Natural Disasters and Help with Your Tax

The ATO says that if you are affected by natural disaster, such as bushfires, floods or storms, there is generally no need to worry about your tax affairs right away.

Getting a tax valuation from the ATO

Getting A Tax Valuation From The ATO

Not every individual situation fits neatly with the tax laws as they stand — sometimes a taxable item’s known value may need to be determined.


ATO’s Cyber Safety Checklist

In a new update the ATO reports that it is receiving reports of email scams about JobKeeper and backing business investment claims.


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